Working with Google Apps

Tailor-made training

Would you rather have a tailor-made training based on this course? Contact us and we will make it work.


A first introduction into Google Apps for end users and for everyone who wants to start or wants to do more with Google Apps (Mail, Agenda, Chat, Video, Sites, Discussion groups).


Google Apps introduction

Google Apps for communication

  • Google Mail
  • Google Agenda
  • Instant Messaging, chat & videochat
  • Tasks

Google Apps for cooperation:

  • Sharing documents
  • Word processing
  • Spreadsheets
  • Presentations
  • Web forms

Google Site (internet site / intranet site)

Google Discussion groups

Google Video

Working everywhere

  • Offline
  • Mobile
  • Integrated with MSOffice and MSOutlook

Target audience

Everyone who wants to use Google Apps.


1 day
Tailor-made training
Each organization is unique in its identity, and no co-worker is the same. That's why we at Learnia offer our clients tailor-made courses as well.
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