
logo Alimento


Is your company active in the food sector and a member of sector fund Alimento? Alimento has concessions you can apply for to follow training through Learnia as an approved external training partner.

Alimento - financial support for training

logo Cevora


If you have a company with white-collar workers from Joint Committee 200, you can -under certain conditions- obtain an intervention for following training via CEVORA.

CEVORA - training subsidies for employers.

logo Co-valent


Co-valent is the training fund for chemistry, plastics and life sciences. Its mission is to support the development of competencies of employees in the sector.

Want to know what training courses and services Co-Valent can offer?

Co-valent - subsidy training of your employees

logo fopas

Fopas -as a sector fund of organizations from the insurance world- organizes in cooperation with Learnia various open-calendar trainings on digital skills.

Customized training for your organization is also possible.

Be sure to check the possibilities and conditions on fopas' site.

fopas - Overview of your financial benefits

logo KMO-Portefeuille


The kmo-portefeuille is a subsidy measure of the Flemish government through which small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can receive subsidies for, among other things, training and coaching. SMEs located in the Flemish Region that meet certain conditions are eligible for this subsidy.

Be sure to check if your organization is eligible.

VLAIO - Kmo-portefeuille

Does your organization belong to another sector fund?
Then be sure to check what allowance they offer you for taking training through an external training partner.